Night Fires

Title: Night Fires
Size: 61cm x 61cm
Medium: Oil On Canvas

Denise French

Artist Status: Purchase and Potential Commission

About This Work
This series of paintings is concerned with journeys. Each image begins as a painted perspective so that the eye is taken into the work; a mirror of the journeys we all make as we go about our daily round but also as we pass through life, our emotional, intellectual and aging progresses. The square format is deliberately chosen to indicate the sense of being 'boxed in' which often assails us. Denise takes the perspective, obvious in the initial stages of the work, and then over-paints so that the perspective becomes less striking. In some of this series of pieces, the perspective is clear but in others, obscured, sometimes totally. Again, Denise seeks to mirror the complexities we all face during our life-journeys.

Artist Background
Denise was a relationship counsellor, organising training workshops for communication skills before taking up a long-term desire to pursue a career as a painter. The pressures of raising three school age children delayed the fulfilment of her ambition until 1992 when she began to seriously paint and draw, graduating with a degree in Fine Art from IADT, Dun Laughaire in 2006. She has already achieved considerable success, working with an artists' appeal for Tsunami Victims in Dalkey, as a stage and set designer for CBS Monkstown Park, and to produce a quarterly school newspaper for a local Dublin primary school. Denise has exhibited work in a number of galleries in Ireland, most recently being selected for the RHA annual exhibition in Dublin.

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